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High-Asset Divorce Attorney in Nashville, Tennessee

Divorce is undoubtedly a significant life event, but with the right support and guidance, it can also mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities for personal growth and reinvention. When you need a reputable attorney by your side, turn to Cynthia J. Bohn Attorney at Law. Davidson County, Sumner County, Wilson County, and Rutherford County all rely on knowledgeable legal representation to manage divorces. I can help. Reach out today for a free consultation.

Initial Considerations

Managing a divorce, especially when significant assets are involved, can be a difficult and emotionally challenging process. Having helped many people through this situation, I understand firsthand the intricacies involved and the importance of informed decision-making. Let's take a closer look at high-asset divorce and what you can expect during this process.

Starting the Divorce Process

The clear first step is to file a petition for divorce. This legal document officially initiates the divorce proceedings and outlines the basic details of our marriage, such as dates of marriage and separation.

Temporary Orders

Shortly after filing, temporary orders may be issued by the court to establish guidelines during the divorce process. These orders typically address immediate issues like child custody, visitation schedules, and temporary financial support (commonly known as alimony or spousal support). This phase is crucial in maintaining stability while couples manage the more extended legal process ahead.

Asset Valuation and Division

Identifying and Valuing Assets

One of the most time-consuming aspects of a high-asset divorce is identifying and valuing all assets owned jointly or separately. In Nashville, this includes real estate properties, investments, retirement accounts, business interests, and valuable personal items like art collections or vehicles. Each asset must be assessed to determine its current market value, which often requires appraisers or financial experts focused on asset valuation.

Equitable Distribution

In Tennessee, as in many states, divorces aim for equitable distribution rather than equal division of assets. This means that while assets are divided fairly, it may not necessarily be a 50/50 split. Factors considered include the duration of the marriage, each spouse's contribution to the marital estate, and the economic circumstances of each spouse post-divorce. Negotiating this division involves detailed financial disclosures and often requires negotiation between legal teams.

Protect Your Peace

Financial Disclosure and Documentation

Disclosure Requirements

Transparency is crucial in a high-asset divorce. Both parties are required to provide full financial disclosure, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. In Nashville, this information exchange is mandatory and helps guarantee a fair distribution of assets and liabilities. Any attempt to conceal assets can lead to severe legal consequences, including penalties imposed by the court.

Document Gathering

Gathering documentation to support financial disclosures can be extensive. Bank statements, tax returns, investment portfolios, business records, and property deeds are among the documents typically required. Organizing these documents thoroughly from the outset can streamline the divorce process and prevent delays.

Business Valuation and Division

Valuing Business Interests

For couples who own businesses or shares in companies, determining the value of these interests is critical. Professional appraisers or forensic accountants may be engaged to assess the business's fair market value. Factors such as revenue, assets, liabilities, and future earning potential are taken into account. The outcome often influences how business interests are divided or compensated in the divorce settlement.

Business Division Considerations

Once the value of business interests is established, options for division are considered. These may include one spouse buying out the other's share, selling the business and dividing the proceeds, or structuring a long-term payout plan. Difficulties arise when one spouse is actively involved in the business while the other is not, requiring careful negotiation to come to an equitable resolution.

Alimony and Spousal Support

Determining Alimony

In high-asset divorces, alimony or spousal support may be a significant consideration. Factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's earning capacity, and standard of living during the marriage influence alimony decisions. Courts may award temporary or permanent alimony based on these factors to secure a fair financial outcome for both parties post-divorce.

Negotiating Alimony

Negotiating alimony can be contentious, particularly when there is a significant disparity in income or when one spouse has been financially dependent on the other. Legal arguments often focus on each spouse's financial needs and ability to maintain a similar standard of living independently. In high-asset divorces, the amount and duration of alimony can have substantial financial implications, making it a crucial aspect of the settlement negotiations.

Tax Implications

Tax Considerations

Tax implications play a crucial role in the division of assets and payment of alimony. In Nashville, Tennessee, certain assets may have different tax treatments upon transfer or sale. For example, capital gains taxes may apply to the sale of real estate or investments. Alimony payments are also taxable income for the recipient and tax-deductible for the payer under current tax laws, adding another layer of difficulty to financial planning during and after divorce.

Consulting Tax Professionals

Given the challenges of tax laws, both parties often consult with tax professionals to understand the implications of various settlement options. Strategies may be devised to minimize tax liabilities and maximize financial outcomes post-divorce. This proactive approach is crucial in guaranteeing that both parties can transition smoothly into their new financial realities.

Negotiation and Settlement

Settlement Negotiations

The majority of high-asset divorces in Nashville, Tennessee are settled out of court through negotiations between legal teams or through mediation. This approach allows both parties more control over the outcome compared to leaving decisions solely in the hands of a judge. Settlement negotiations typically involve give-and-take on various issues, including asset division, alimony, child custody, and other relevant matters.


Mediation is a common alternative dispute resolution method where a neutral third party facilitates negotiations between spouses. This process encourages open communication and compromises while aiming to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. Many couples find mediation less adversarial and more conducive to maintaining amicable relationships, which can be beneficial, especially when children are involved.

Court Litigation

Court Proceedings

In some cases, litigation becomes necessary if spouses can't reach a settlement through negotiation or mediation. In Nashville, Tennessee, court proceedings involve presenting evidence, witness testimonies, and legal arguments before a judge. Litigation can be costly and time-consuming, often prolonging the emotional strain on both parties and their families.

Judicial Decision

When a divorce case goes to trial, a judge ultimately decides on unresolved issues such as asset division, alimony, child custody, and support. The judge's decision is legally binding and must be adhered to by both parties. While litigation provides a resolution when negotiations fail, it also relinquishes control over the outcome to the court, which may not always align with the preferences of either spouse.

Post-Divorce Transition

Adjusting to New Realities

Once the divorce is finalized, both parties must adjust to their new financial and personal circumstances. In Nashville, this may involve implementing the terms of the divorce decree, transferring ownership of assets, and updating legal documents such as wills and beneficiary designations. Adjusting emotionally to the end of a marriage and co-parenting arrangements, if applicable, are also critical aspects of moving forward post-divorce.

Enforcing the Divorce Decree

Guaranteeing compliance with the terms of the divorce decree is essential to prevent future disputes. This may involve monitoring alimony payments, visitation schedules, and the division of assets according to the court's orders. Legal remedies are available if one party fails to comply, although proactive communication and cooperation are often more effective in resolving minor disagreements.

Call Cynthia J. Bohn Attorney at Law Today

Experiencing a high-asset divorce in Nashville, Tennessee is a challenging yet enlightening journey that can teach people the importance of preparation, transparency, and compromise. From initial filings to asset valuations, and alimony negotiations to tax considerations, every step requires careful planning and informed decision-making. While each divorce is unique, understanding the common processes and considerations involved can empower individuals facing similar situations to manage the challenges with clarity and confidence.